Sunday, March 20, 2011

Serial Planes



  In both phases of the Serial Planes project there were different complications and experiences.
  In phase A: Altered Books the ordinary novel I chose transformed into a sculptural form that was full of   cylinders, triangles, and pieces that extended out from the spine with no page left untouched. I created a hanging piece that when spun, was aesthetically interesting. No matter which angle the project is looked at there is always something to analyze. I encountered a few problems while working on the project. I found that because the pages are parallel they create a lot of volume when they are altered. I had to rip out numerous pages because of the fact that my novel was so thick. It was easier for me to work with the pages after I ripped some out. Also, folding the pages was much easier than rolling them into cone-like shapes although I liked the shapes that created better. It was also difficult to create shapes while still working with the pages connected to the spine of the book.
  Phase B: Foam Core 3d Constructions, I found, was much easier to create than the altered book. I was inspired to create a stacked up cylinder form from a magazine picture but when I put the pieces on top of each other they sort of fell into each other and I preferred that form better. The 3d construction became an abstract representation of the Guggenheim Museum, another inspiration. I intertwined the "fallen" cylinders into each other. The intertwining represented separate parts of the buildings. I found this project easier to create than the altered book because the material was "free", not connected by the spine like the book. I could create shapes and put them together and not have to worry about if the page would fall out or if it would look good. If I was not pleased with how the foam looked it was very easier to change or take apart, the paper of the book was very hard to undo or alter after I already worked with it. Although the foam is harder to cut than paper, I much preferred the Foam Core 3d Constructions project over Altered Books. Yet, I am pleased with how both came out in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Both projects were successful in terms of exploring the sense of volume, mass, positive and negative space departing from the problems emerging from different materials.

    Good research of images that definitely lead you to an interesting and dynamic circular –based piece.

    The documentation presented works in terms of the sequence of steps of the process. However, you should try to take better photographs. Many are out of focus or have problems with lighting. With the final pieces in particular, you should devote more time to find the proper background, lighting and to find clear focus on the objects, as they are interesting pieces for your portfolio.

