Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Polyhedral Structures Phases A & B

In phase A of the project I use polyhedral additively to create a mask. I was inspired for this project by a circular African mask. I used a color scheme of black for most of the face and multiple color such as red, yellow, blue, and green for accents around the outside and the nose section which I wanted to be the focal point of the mask. I used bristol board and construction paper for my polyhedral structures which made up my mask. My mask consisted of 3 polyhedral shapes which were octagonal kaleidocycles, an oval cone, and a icosahedron.

In phase B of my project I again used polyhedrals but to create a wall structure. I used several different types of truncated pyramids to create my structure. I used negative and positive space to create an interesting design on the stick structures and spacing. I also made cutouts in several shapes to enhance the negative space. The color pattern is red, blue, and purple and black. The mix-matching color creates a cohesive style.